Leeds Edible Schools Sustainability Network

Growing - Learning - Sustaining

Map links within the Calendar are added by Google using smoke and mirrors and are not 100% reliable.

Please email if you would like to be able to add to and edit this calendar yourself 

If you have a Google account we'll log you in. If not, you'll receive an invitation email to sign up to Google. Then, to enter events, just visit the Green Events Calendar on Google (follow the "+Google Calendar" link at the bottom right of the frame above), click on the right day, fill in the details, and hit Save.

Please embed this calendar if you have a website The more versions of it there are, the better for all. 

To embed the calendar into your own website, 

1) visit the Google page by clicking the link at the bottom of the calendar frame, 

2) click on the triangle link next to LEEDS GREEN CALENDAR in My Calendars on the left, 

3) choose Calendar Settings, 

4) then 'Customise the colour, size and other options' link in the 'Embed This Calendar' section. 

5) Choose your preferences, and then 

6) copy the HTML code in the box, and paste it into an iFrame on the web page where you want to display the calendar.

Groups have asked if it's possible to highlight their own events. This can be done by choosing a different colour - but we will all see this colour, which may not be ideal for other groups. So instead we would prefer you to embed two Calendars - one being the full monty (as above), and the other showing only your own events.

You can then enter events into your own version, and simply copy to the main Green Calendar by clicking to edit the event, then choosing "copy to LEEDS GREEN CALENDAR" in the drop-down menu at the top of the edit page.